Your Holistic Health Copywriter

E Martin

Copywriter for Holistic Health Providers and Businesses

I provide compelling copy to market your holistic health product or service while you focus on your true passion.

holistic massage

As a coach, practitioner, or business owner with a holistic health product or service are you ready to...

raised arm in vibrant forest

… then I’d love to hear from you!

Wondering Why You Need a Holistic Health Copywriter?

Every business growth strategy includes a need for compelling, SEO-optimized copy. It calls for empathetic copy that speaks directly to your future or returning client. 

Your expertise is in providing top-quality care or products to your clients. Give yourself the space to focus on your clients. Then watch your practice or business continue to thrive.

Put the task of writing effective copy for your business into the hands of a holistic health copywriterthat’s where I come in.

I combine a love for writing and a passion for holistic and mental health to bring awareness to your service, practice or product.

What’s the first thing most of us do when we need a product or service? We do an online search. This is especially true for the holistic health space. Want to know why?

Your patients are not interested in the answers they get from traditional doctors. They are looking for answers to their health that address the core issues so they do their own research. 

This is a huge opportunity for you.

Did you know… businesses with an active online presence attract more clients and customers. And companies with blogs have an average of 67% more leads than those who don’t (source).

Statistics show 99% of consumers find local businesses through the internet (source).

SEO-optimized website copy helps you be visible in a Google search, so those searching for holistic health solutions can find you.

Your clients are looking for content that dives deep into relevant health issues they are facing.

But how can you provide high-quality content from a knowledgeable perspective on holistic solutions? How can you position yourself as an expert who can bring them?

Here are a few examples…

A blog of 1000-2000 words posted 4 times a month boosts your credibility with search engines. It increases the likelihood that a future client will find your content based on a health struggle they are facing.

An email sign-up option connected to a newsletter allows potential clients to get connected with you in a more personal and direct way.

The quality of the content on your website and the way you engage with subscribers matters. This is where I come in — a writer who is passionate about natural and holistic health.

I write clear, SEO optimized copy designed to reach your future or returning client. Learn more about my services here

Allow me to take the non-health-related tasks of writing for your business off your plate. You focus on high-quality care and products for your clients. I’ll write strong, compelling copy that invites your clients to take control of their health and reach out to you.

Are you ready to consult with a holistic health copywriter?


About Me

ella's headshot

Hey, I’m Ella.

I’ve always been a lover of words. I enjoy crafting sentences that flow and grabbing attention with a well-chosen word or phrase.

I have over three years of experience in the marketing arena. My experience there focused on websites and online marketing where I gained knowledge about optimizing for SEO and content that converts.

Throughout my life health and wellness have been a major interest of mine. I constantly geek out on a diverse range of health-related topics. I’m especially passionate about the mind-body connection and holistic health.

Words are my thing while health and wellness is a life-long research project.

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