Use the list below to check your website for its effectiveness in content and seo value.
Are your visitors confused by the navigation? Or can they find what they need quickly by glancing through the site menu? Is each page accessible within a few clicks?
The last thing you want is visitors who leave because they can’t find what they need.
An effective heading describes your service and uses the keywords you want that page to rank for. It takes advantage of keywords or phrases people may be searching online.
Is your website copy clear and concise? Does it speak to the issues and challenges that your potential clients deal with? Let’s face it — many of us have short attention spans online. Simple, clear, and relevant content is key.
You’re leading your visitors on a journey, so ask yourself – what’s the destination? What’s your goal for each page?
Do you want them to sign up for a consultation with you?
Subscribe to your newsletter?
Buy a product?
Each page should have an invitation to take action.
Are your blogs at least 1000 words long?
Do they avoid regurgitating content already on the internet? Do they feature helpful content for your potential client based on your unique expertise and experience?
Do they get posted regularly?
All these factors play into whether Google prioritizes your content in searches.
Do your pages have headings, title tags, and meta descriptions? Are they descriptive and synonymous without using the exact same words or phrases?
Google prioritizes pages with synonymous and not duplicated headings and title tags.
Testimonials are a great way to build trust. They demonstrate that you are a legitimate business or practice. They show that others have had good experiences with you.